Origami paper Airplane is a symbol of childhood joy and creativity. Origami is a Japanese traditional art of making different objects by folding paper. But there is another believe that Chinese were the first to make origami, they started it in 500 BC or around.
To create a paper plane you will need a standard sheet of paper and fold them into a streamlined shape that can glide through air. This is a basic process but there are some guidelines.
A4 or letter size is a ideal option for paper airplane. Now, fold the paper in half lengthwise and then unfold it. After that fold down the upper corner in the direction of the central crease to create two triangles and a
point at the top of the paper. Then fold down the triangles along the central crease to make the point sharp. Once the sides are finally folded down to line
up with the lower edge of the body, more minor folds or creases can be made to the wings to improve flight performance.
To make a crease, fold the paper in half lengthwise and then unfold it. After that, the upper corners are folded down in the direction of the central crease to create two triangles and a point at the top of the paper. The freshly created triangles are then folded down along the central crease, making that the point stays sharp.
Here I have shared 10 awesome origami airplane design with you.