Access your BMO InvestorLine Self-Directed and adviceDirect accounts using your existing Client ID or your BMO Nesbitt Burns portfolio using your online Gateway ID.
Get an aggregated view of your InvestorLine or Nesbitt Burns holdings and account details with Portfolio View and set up custom watchlists to monitor stocks and market trends you want to follow.
Use Fingerprint Biometrics to access your accounts with ease and improved security.
For InvestorLine Self-Directed and adviceDirect clients:
Place trades, move money and get a snapshot of your holdings and investments. Quickly trade your stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds. adviceDirect clients can access personalized buy and sell recommendations with 24/7 account monitoring.
For Nesbitt Burns clients:
Sign up to view statements, tax documents and trade confirmations online. Choose to be alerted by email when a new document is available.
You must be registered with BMO InvestorLine to use the BMO Invest app to access your InvestorLine Self-Directed or adviceDirect accounts. Simply sign on to BMO InvestorLine with your Client ID to get started. If you are not registered with BMO InvestorLine, visit .
You must register for and access Gateway online via to use the BMO Invest app to access your Nesbitt Burns portfolio. Your Nesbitt Burns Investment Advisor can help you get set up or contact the Gateway Helpdesk
[email protected].
Important disclosures: You acknowledge and understand that this app includes updates or upgrades that may (i) cause your device to automatically communicate with BMO’s servers to deliver the functionality described above and to record usage metrics, (ii) affect app-related preferences or data stored on your device.
Privacy: You acknowledge and understand that this app includes updates and upgrades that may collect personal information as set out in our BMO Digital Privacy Policy ( You can withdraw your consent at any time by uninstalling the app. To learn more about how we collect, use, disclose and safeguard your Personal Information, your choices, and the rights you have, please see our Privacy Code (
Screenshots of the BMO Invest app are for illustrative purposes only and are not a recommendation to trade in a particular security.
BMO InvestorLine Inc. is a member of BMO Financial Group.® Registered trademark of Bank of Montreal, used under licence. BMO InvestorLine Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Bank of Montreal. Member – Canadian Investor Protection Fund and Member of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada.
® "Nesbitt Burns" and “Gateway” are registered trademarks of BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bank of Montreal. BMO Wealth Management is the brand name for a business group consisting of Bank of Montreal and certain affiliates including BMO InvestorLine Inc. and BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc., in providing wealth management products and services.